SCARBOROUGH, Maine — The U.S. lobster industry's catch keeps sliding as fishermen contend with the northward migration of the valuable crustaceans.
PISCATAQUIS COUNTY, Maine (WABI) - A small earthquake was occurred in northern Maine Sunday night. The United States Geological Society says the magnitude 2.5 earthquake was reported 21.7 miles ...
But here in Maine, those are not such common words or sensations. Last week, however, there were three earthquakes back to back — and all of them happened offshore, underwater. The quakes all ...
Police have closed off vehicular access to the Sainsbury’s store on Scarborough’s Falsgrave Road, from both directions, following an accident this morning. A collision took place on the approach to ...
Scarborough’s School Building Advisory Committee received cost estimates for seven potential solutions to its overcrowded school system last week and on Monday voted to eliminate two of those ...
The joint patrol and air-intercept drills over the hotly disputed Scarborough Shoal off the northwestern Philippines were the first by the longtime treaty allies since President Donald Trump took ...
Scarborough Shoal is a traditional fishing ground that’s been under the control of China since 2012 following a stand-off with the Philippines. The 2016 Arbitral Award, which affirmed the limits ...
Though Maine is quiet seismologically compared with hotspots like California, Central America, and Japan, the state has nevertheless experienced a surprisingly high number of earthquakes — the vast ...
Maine, according to the United States Geological Survey. Earthquakes with magnitudes of 2.5 or less are not typically felt by humans, but can be recorded by a seismograph, according to the USGS.
A 3.8 magnitude earthquake off York Harbor, Maine, shook Seacoast New Hampshire, southern Maine and much of New England Monday. It caught the entire region by surprise, public safety dispatch ...
New England felt its third earthquake of the week early Sunday morning, as aftershocks continue following a Maine-based quake ... earthquake on Monday, the USGS predicted a 5% chance of at least ...