With Tasmania's salmon companies reeling from unprecedented losses due to disease and warm weather, the industry is told it ...
As the Tasmanian salmon industry battles to control the fallout from dead fish washing up on local beaches and revelations ...
According to Salmon Tasmania, salmon farmers in the area are struggling with a bacteria called RLO, or Rickettsia-like ...
Tasmania's Environment Protection Authority does not know how many farmed salmon have died in recent weeks or what the impact ...
With increasing scrutiny on the Tasmanian salmon industry, ethical food supplier Box Divvy has announced a shift away from Tasmanian farmed salmon ...
Tasmanian salmon farms are experiencing mass fish deaths due to the Piscirickettsia salmonis bacteria, the state government ...
The study, proposed by Independent MP Craig Garland, gained support from The Greens and independents Miriam Beswick, Rebekah ...
Biosecurity Tasmania has launched an animal welfare investigation after drone footage was released showing live salmon being ...
As disease ravages Tasmanian salmon farms, killing thousands of tonnes of fish and threatening other species, the government’s pledge to protect both the industry and the endangered Maugean skate is ...
Hundreds of thousands of salmon are dead or dying and their rotting carcasses are washing up on Tasmania's beaches. It stinks ...
Government authorities are providing mixed messaging related to the mass deaths of salmon in southern Tasmania, weeks after salmon carcasses and fish oil washed up on some sandy shores.
but believed to be "fish oil", creating "chunks of oily sand on the beach". Tasmania has the largest marine salmon farming industry in the country and is responsible for more than 90 per ...