Recently, this topic has been discussed quite a bit. But which of the two most talked-about snakes, the Anaconda and the Titanoboa, is longer? Before we answer this question, it should be noted ...
Consciousness is the state of being aware of oneself and the environment. It is associated with wakefulness, responsiveness and arousal. Consciousness is typically measured by verbal reports about ...
Hundreds of protesters gathered Friday afternoon on the grassy Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh to champion the value of scientific research. The rally was one of more than 30 planned Stand Up for ...
The “manosphere” calls for more testosterone, more spectacle. But servant leadership, embodied in Catholic men’s groups past and present, encompass the fullness of human experience.
As one of the most trusted research institutions in the renewable energy sector, BNEF’s annual bankability report is a key reference for financial institutions assessing credit risks for solar p ...
The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a professional organization with a mission of connecting research and practice to continuously improve the quality of literacy instruction across the ...
Last week a new science was given a new name. Hydroponics, by its foremost U. S. practitioner, Dr. William Frederick Gericke of the University of California. Set out in row’s at the University ...
Coronary artery disease (CAD), or the narrowing of the coronary arteries, is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the ...
Your editorial ‘Science communication will benefit from research integrity standards’ (see Nature 635, 8; 2024) highlights important challenges in science communication. But it overlooks a ...
Titanoboa illustration. Image by mic1805 via Depositphotos. The researchers believe that Vasuki could rival the infamous Titanoboa, previously considered the largest snake ever discovered. However, ...
Getting into the grind for work or studying can admittedly be a thankless task for anyone. With the seemingly never-ending bleakness of winter also not helping that situation, it’s easy to get bogged ...