In vertebrates, the skeleton of different regions of the body arises from different precursor cells. Researchers at the ...
The MRI also lets your doctor examine the small bones, called vertebrae, which make up your spinal column, as well as the ... Devices that aren’t or may not be compatible with MRI include ...
Scientists have spotted unique subtypes of fat cells in the human body, and by unraveling their functions, they found that the cells may play a role in obesity.
Never heard of The Music Explosion? Believe me, you’re not alone. This little-known garage band from Ohio had the fleeting status of a one-hit wonder. While the song endures, the band faded into ...
Yet I would argue that the real challenge in human life is not to live longer, but to help others; adding extra years should be seen not as the goal but a byproduct of the pursuit of goodness.