Delhi's 2025-26 budget proposes an integrated command center to monitor air quality, water pollution, noise, and waste in real time. The budget allocates Rs 506 crore for environmental initiatives.
Asked about the discrepancy between Trump’s speech on toxic chemicals and the actions taken by the administration, Taylor ...
Reducing the amount of agricultural sprays used by farmers—including fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides—could cut down ...
President Trump's EPA administrator aims to roll back environmental protections in an effort to reduce the agency's spending.
As Nassau County grapples with the passage of the stop-gap bill to fund the federal government, Long Island is left without ...
Ever since the Upamayo Dam on Peru’s Lake Chinchaycocha was built in 1932, floods have become a frequent occurrence in the ...
In a 5-4 ruling earlier this month, the court determined the EPA cannot impose “end result” provisions in permits that ...
The agency will no longer shut down “any stage of energy production,” absent an imminent threat, a new memo says, and will curtail efforts to cut pollution in poorer areas.
A former EPA administrator predicts worse air and water quality, concerning health outcomes, less transparency and an erosion ...
The Clean Water Indiana Program usually provides matching dollars to help farmers and landowners implement practices like ...
Experts and former employees say the Trump administration’s moves to fire key scientists at the Environmental Protection ...
And it’s unclear whether Florida voters, who overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump in last year’s election, will back this ...