In the aftermath of this ordeal, Moshe seems to struggle with his understanding of the omnipotence of Hashem and the instantiation of His will in the affairs of men.
This year, we celebrate Purim in the shadow of war, with 59 of our brothers and sisters still held hostage in Gaza, and the ...
This weekend we will be celebrating Purim Meshulash (three days of Purim) in Jerusalem and other walled cities from the days ...
The Romans destroyed the Temple, banished Jews and changed the names of places to erase history. It's a strategy still being emulated.
The 173 photographs connect us to the meaning and magic of Purim, while the poses and facial expressions that she captures ...
In fact, as Yerushalayim was being captured by the Babylonians,Tzidkiyahu escaped the city, only to be caught in the plains of Yericho (Melachim II Perek 25 Posuk 5). Rashi (Sefer Yechezkel Perek ...
That is: to be seen in Yerushalayim for these momentous occasions. However, the Mishnah in Masechet Chagigah points out that “Yera’eh” has the same spelling as “Yireh.” One means he ...
This urgent campaign is endorsed by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Havlin, rov of Chabad Ramot and head of Heichal Menachem of Yerushalayim. The campaign is also backed by the Chassuna Fund endorsed by Chabad ...
“The city of Yerushalayim is proud to be the center of OU Israel’s activities,” Lion said, according to the organization’s statement. “From Yerushalayim, your blessed work will spread to ...