Athena is on the moon and but misison controllers are still ... Odysseus was not able to conduct much of the scientific work it had been sent to do. By coincidence, a lunar lander sent by JAXA, the ... -- Shares of Intuitive Machines plummeted by 15% mid-day Thursday, following reports of complications with its IM-2 mission Nova-C class lunar lander, Athena. The company encountered ...
Intuitive Machines said on Thursday that its robotic Athena lander has landed on the moon's surface but details of the ...
The Houston-based company is poised to land its Athena spacecraft on the moon at 12:30 p.m. ET. The landing site closer to the lunar south pole than any human or vehicle has traveled before.
Eight days after launch, a second commercially built moon lander, this one built by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, headed ...
A drill for ice, a 4G network test, three rovers, and a hopping drone: a US company is hours away from its second lunar ...
There is a robotic moon landing happening Thursday. If this feels like déjà vu, it's because a separate lunar lander ...
Intuitive Machines is aiming for a gentle touchdown of its IM-2 Athena lander packed with rovers, a drone and a NASA moon ...