The groundbreaking faith-based series The Chosen is once again defying conventional TV norms with its theatrical launch ...
"The Chosen" Season 5 will be released in theaters in 2025. Discover the official release date for the next season and watch ...
Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus Christ in the series "The Chosen," paid a visit to the Philippines and got to meet ...
"I'm possibly more excited to bring Season 5 to the world than any other season we've done," said Dallas Jenkins, creator of ...
The Chosen” has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across various platforms and has had an enthusiastic fan base since ...
MANILA, Philippines — American actor Jonathan Roumie has shared how his life got “completely changed” after being cast as Jesus in the most popular faith-based series, “The Chosen.” ...
Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in “The Chosen,” personally experienced God’s multiplying miracle in his life.
You are leading the way for so many other nations as to what it means to be a culture that puts God above everything else.’ ...
Season 5 of “The Chosen” will be the faith-based series’ “most intense and heaviest” yet, creator Dallas Jenkins says. We ...
Listen carefully, because I am going to tell you what is about to happen… An iconic and incredibly bittersweet repast is on ...
The trailer begins with a glimpse of Jesus and the disciples during the Last Supper and teases other powerful moments, ...
The story of Jesus might be one of the most famous stories in the world — but by focusing on telling the story "through the ...