The Congressional staffer moved up in their chair and looked up from the notepad with a quizzical expression. These farmers ...
Some governments may be sowing the seeds of their own defeat by blocking citizen input in the negotiation of new agreements to expand trade and investment.
Coming October 2 from the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment, a new four-part podcast series about factory farms, and the farmers and rural organizers fighting to end them: How to Fight a ...
Giant sequoia trees are tough, long-lived organisms. Their survival strategy, perfected over millions of years, is to live for dozens of centuries. Most everyone knows this, but much of what the trees ...
HANOVER, N.H. -- The Lyme Timber Co. discovered the profit potential in land conservation almost by accident. For nearly a decade after its founding in 1976, it operated like any other timber ...
Forestland ownership patterns can have a significant impact on the long-term continuance of large tracts of forestland as diverse natural forests. In recent years, there has been something of a ...
Since that time, ardent fans have struggled to pull the chestnut back from the brink. Most of their efforts have relied on old-fashioned breeding techniques - investing the tree with blight-resistance ...
In the Philippines, traditional knowledge touches on almost all facets of the economic and social development of a community from agriculture to literature and from customary law to arts and crafts.
What is a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO), and what does it mean that nearly all farm animals in the U.S. are ...
Farm to School and Farm to Early Care initiatives focus on three main tenets: local purchasing, gardening, and food and agriculture education. IATP is proud to have championed and supported Farm to ...