Tina Guthrie (BA [Political Science], St. Thomas University, 1992; MA [Political Science], Carleton University,1995) joined the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in 2002. At CIDA, she ...
Julie Sunday (BSc Hons [Integrated Science], Carleton University, 1996; MA [Geography], McMaster University, 1999; PhD [Political Anthropology], McMaster University’s Institute on Globalization and ...
I am extremely honoured to be the Consul General of Canada in Los Angeles, and to be leading a dedicated team that promotes trade and investment, provides consular services to Canadians in need, and ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
Canada and Jordan also share strong people to-people links through a Jordanian-Canadian community largely centred in Toronto, Jordanian students studying in Canada, and Canadians living and working in ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
Le Canada et les États-Unis entretiennent une relation unique. Le partenariat Canada-États-Unis est forgé par une géographie partagée, des valeurs semblables, des intérêts communs, des liens ...
Note: Each TRQ is administered independently in accordance with the applicable policies. You may apply for an allocation under multiple TRQs, but you must submit a separate application for each TRQ ...
Explorez l’engagement du Canada dans la région indo-pacifique, guidé par la Stratégie du Canada pour l’Indo-Pacifique. La stratégie globale et pangouvernementale du Canada visant à orienter ses ...
Explore Canada’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, guided by Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.
We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Saint Lucia. We also provide services to Canadians in: ...