When in Rome, do as the Romans do! After other audio events got cancelled, audiophiles were hoping and waiting to attend to the latest edition of this Rome High End Show. Many visitors have crowded ...
dopo tanti anni di sacrifici, sto finalmente realizzando il sogno di una villetta in campagna con stanza esclusivamente dedicata all' ascolto della musica (riporterò finalmente in funzione le mie ...
According to some internet audio gurus' subtle opinions, only two moving coil cartridges are really worth their salt these days. The very affordable Denon DL-103, and the not-unaffordable Shelter 501.
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
The Integrated Zero LE is a 60 Watt MOSFET integrated amplifier with typically British features: i.e. none. There are five line inputs, a tape output, power, volume and balance controls, and that's it ...
This is easily the best loudspeaker I have ever heard. This dawned on me as I was positively dreaming away in the music, only minutes after starting a listening session. My ESL-57s can have the same ...
Supplier: Grant Fidelity Price: 6CA7-Z $230, per grade A pair; KT66-Z $280 per grade A pair, YMMV due to currency volatility. Grade B items available at reduced prices. But, then I hit hitch number 1: ...
Whenever I visit audio shows, or hear new systems in other places, there are certain things that will always catch my ear. Full range drivers often appeal to me because of their directness and sweet, ...
Di recente, c'è stata un'interessante discussione sul forum inglese di TNT-Audio riguardante le prestazioni in gamma bassa. Un lettore chiedeva se il pianoforte scende fino ai 50 Hz, e ciò mi ha fatto ...
Back in January 2011 (and I can hardly believe that it was that long ago) I reviewed a couple of very expensive items from Human Audio, They were both designed as no-compromise hi-fi, and ...
Prices: Symphonies $995 List, $400 “Buy it Now” on Ebay including shipping worldwide Symphonies $1200 List, $450 “Buy it Now” on Ebay including shipping worldwide I’ve had more than a few different ...
In the world of Hi-Fi there are few components that are the subject of so many different and often conflicting theories than those that surround the design of tonearms. Rigid or flexible, damped or ...