Student loan borrowers could see their payments increase under federal budget plans currently being discussed by House ...
President Donald Trump’s administration is no longer accepting applications online for some financial aid programs to help ...
Paying for education or training beyond high school can be daunting for students and families, but it doesn’t have to be.
Santa Fe College is facing criticism as students experience significant delays in receiving financial aid, with some waiting ...
During his campaign, President Donald Trump vowed to bring massive changes to the U.S. Department of Education. These changes ...
College's board of regents approved a tuition waiver program for first-time, full-time college students next year.
Santa Fe College officials are now apologizing for delays in student aid payments that some students say stretch back to last ...
By Casey Smith Indiana Capital Chronicle For The Republic A proposal to shrink thousands of state financial aid grants is ...
During a protest that broke out at the University of California San Diego, students demanded their school’s administrators ...
Financial aid for state colleges has doubled in the past two years, a Mass. education official said. Why aren't more people applying for it?
During both the fall and spring semesters, Santa Fe College has been unable to disperse allotted financial aid funds to their ...