Zeeko Zaki is just like Us and enjoys seeing OA, Maggie and Scola work as a trio on FBI - but he teased that their smaller ...
Thanks to emergency first aid involving tea bags, tampons, and some sympathetic hijackers, Gemma did live, leading to a sweet scene between Comfort Clinton in Gemma's hospital bed and Zeeko Zaki as ...
OA and Gemma found themselves in the middle of a hijacked train in tonight’s new FBI, and Zeeko Zaki broke it down with ...
FBI puts OA ( Zeeko Zaki) in a life-and-death situation without his weapon in the latest episode. He and his girlfriend Gemma ...
ScreenRant interviews star Zeeko Zaki about the events of FBI season 7, episode 14, and the major drama ahead for OA and ...
Tonight’s new FBI will take things to new heights for OA, and Zeeko Zaki spoke to PopCulture.com about what to expect in the ...
Despite his best efforts, Zaki told Us, their weekend plans go off the rails (perhaps literally) when masked men hijack the ...
Beth Behrs sees a silver lining in The Neighborhood‘s renewal for an eighth but final season. As the sitcom vet noted on ...
Listen, if anyone needs a getaway on FBI, it’s OA ( Zeeko Zaki ), after what happened with his friend Clay earlier this ...
Zeeko Zaki revealed OA and Gemma’s relationship will be pushed to its limits on this week’s episode of FBI on what was ...
Listen, if anyone needs a getaway on FBI, it’s OA (Zeeko Zaki), after what happened with his friend Clay earlier this season. Unfortunately, his plans for a romantic vacation with his ...